Mauricio Romero and Erika Hau star together in a commercial shoot

New Image College Film Acting Conservatory graduates, Mauricio Romero and Erika Hau star together in a 4-day commercial shoot.

Mauricio Romero is a Mexican actor and singer, after studying musical theatre in Primera Fila and Strasberg method at Natalia Traven school, Mauricio went on to perform in over 300-400 theatre performances. He then wanted to expand his thirst for TV & Film Acting. Mauricio moved to Vancouver and joined the New Image College acting conservatory program.

Erika Hau began her career in Mexico’s musical theatre industry. She then moved to Vancouver and graduated from NIC’s acting program before beginning her very successful career in film/tv. Erika is best known for her role as ‘Carmen’ in the Netflix series Black Summer.

While attending NIC they both worked very hard. During the NIC Showcase, Erika and Mauricio were then both discovered by their different agents. This is where the top agents and casting directors come to scout the talent of New Image College. After signing they both started auditioning and booking parts in films and television in the North American market.

We are so proud of them!

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