Rebecca Began her journey as a makeup artist at the theater department of the university of British Columbia. There she studied to become an actor but found herself more drawn to the work backstage and creating looks with make up. A chance opportunity when the theatre’s artist was on mat leave propelled her into her first professional job, designing character looks and teaching actors to apply their own makeup. The growing film and television industry in Vancouver was a natural progression. Rebecca has designed over 25 shows across Canada, in Europe and most recently in Asia. Highlights include working with Mark Coulier on Emma Thompson in Scotland, creating Takeshi Kovacs look on Joel Kinammen for Altered Carbon and most recently working with YJ Yeung, Minha Kim and Minho Lee on Pachinko in Korea.
In 2007 Rebecca won her first Emmy statue for her work on Tin Man. This win brought so much joy and just as importantly, confirmation that she had chosen the right path when leaving the performer roles behind. Choosing to share her knowledge with new makeup artists has been hugely rewarding and learning from others continues to motivate Rebecca.