Acting role in short film “Alien: Ore”

Every now and then an amazing talent walks through our doors and you just know that this person is going to shake things up wherever they may go. That’s the story we are telling today: Alexandra Quispe was a star student when she walked through NIC’s doors to learn from our Film Acting Conservatory, but she has certainly gone on to shine even more since then. Now – and just in time for Alien’s 40th Anniversary – she’s gotten herself neck-deep in trouble with a Xenomorph – in the short “Alien: Ore” brought to us by the Spear Sisters – as a miner working with a team at the Bowen’s Landing colony.Enacting the role of Winni Mamani, she’s gone on to showcase her amazing skills – and of course, get herself killed in stellar fashion as that’s just how it goes when a Xenomorph’s involved – in none other than a short that everyone should absolutely watch!If you ever wondered about the community and talent we help build and grow here at NIC? Look no further. Alexandra reached out to our Head of the Acting Department, Phil Granger, for some tips to get ready for the audition she went to that got her this awesome role.The next step after that is for us to congratulate her for not only landing the gig, but also for a job well done in a career that we are truly very proud of. Alexandra, keep on rocking out there, and we wish you, your fellow actors, and the Spear Sisters all the luck in the world in promoting this amazing short film.

Your hard work looks incredible and does honour to the ongoing Alien saga. For the curious and strong of heart (read: love Alien films), feel free to watch on down below or visit IGN at the link to this video here: Alien 40th Anniversary Short Film: “Ore”

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