New Image College Covid-19 UPDATE

Dear New Image College students,

We would like to let you know that New Image College continues supporting the global response to “flattening the curve”.

We are working hard on the backstage to fully orchestrate COVID-19 response going forward which may mean alternate forms of instruction delivery and training through online. Our priority right now is to facilitate the continued delivery of our programs and the quality of training during this unfortunate time.

Please note that the Student Services Department will be in touch regularly, so we ask you to check your email constantly. We will email your new schedule shortly that reflects the 2 weeks unscheduled spring break as well as the training week of March 30th. We thank you for your patience as this is our first week.

This is a temporary solution and it is our way of providing accessible education while helping keep you connected and engaged in your studies. Again, studies will resume to onsite training immediately once it has been determined to be safe for our students and staff to return to class.

In the meantime, let’s not forget our dreams and final goals. Let’s use this time to invest in ourselves and continue practicing what we learned and focusing on what’s coming next.

Don’t forget to stay healthy (mentally and physically): do your best to stay connected to your family and friends. You may not be able to visit your loved ones in person, but you can still give them a call. Exercise is also a key way to reduce stress. While you likely can’t hit your local gym right now, you can get creative with at-home workouts (check out this 20-minute no-equipment workout).

Please be responsible and follow all protocols to stop the spread. We thank everyone for their ongoing patience and understanding.

💪 We’re in this together!

New Image College Management (see pages below for more resources and official information)
Also, please see below COVID-19 Quick Sheet with Government Announcements and Resources available to you


❌ Gatherings larger than 50 people are banned.

🧍↔️🧍 Maintain 2m distance from others.

😷 Self-isolate if you are sick, even if it is not COVID-19.


⛔️ Scheduled elective surgeries and procedures are being postponed.

🏥 Long-term care facilities are restricting visitors to essential visits only.

🩺 Choose virtual health care services whenever available, physicians will be compensated.

💊 Physician notes will NOT be required for prescription refills by pharmacists.

⚠️ Employers must waive the requirement for doctors notes or testing for people to stay home.


⚡ BC Hydro bill deferral & payment plans available. Call 1-800-BC-HYDRO.

💵 One-week waiting period for Employment Insurance benefits has been waived. Call 1-833-381-2725.

💵 Emergency Care Benefit for workers, including the self-employed, who do not qualify for paid sick leave or EI and have to stay home. (Effective April 2020)

💵 Emergency Support Benefit for workers not eligible for EI and who are facing unemployment, including self-employed people. (Effective April 2020)

🧾 Tax return filing due date is deferred to June 1. Payments owed are deferred until after August 31.

🏢 Wage subsidy for small businesses, non-profit organizations, and charities to prevent worker lay-offs.

🏢 Mortgage Default Management Tools. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and other mortgage insurers offer tools to lenders that can assist homeowners who may be experiencing financial difficulty. These include payment deferral, loan re-amortization, capitalization of outstanding interest arrears and other eligible expenses, and special payment arrangements.

🏫 Six-month interest-free moratorium on repayment of Canada Student Loans. (Effective April 2020 – details shortly here.
👪 Boost to GST-credit and Canada Child Benefit payments to low-income individuals and families. (Effective May 2020)

✈️ $5000 emergency loan available to Canadians travelling abroad through Global Affairs Canada. Call 1-613-996-8885 or email [email protected].
ℹ️ Read More: Canada’s COVID-19 Support for Canadians and Businesses

Do Your Part: Slowing Transmission of COVID-19

It continues to be extremely important that everyone works to prevent the spread of this disease. Even if you do not personally feel like you are at risk of getting sick, we must each do our part to protect other, more vulnerable community members. Slowing transmission helps our health care system keep up with the disease.
👏 Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds

🤧 Sneeze/cough into your elbow

🚫 Avoid touching your face

🧍↔️🧍 Maintain 2m distance from others

😷 STAY HOME if you are sick, even if it is not COVID-19.

❓ Do I need testing?

Please use the online BC COVID-19 Self Assessment tool:

❓ Do I need to stockpile food and supplies?
Our retail supply-chain providers have assured us they have an abundance of supply and are restocking regularly. There is no need to stockpile.

❓ Where do I go if I have questions?

If you are looking for medical information about COVID-19:
● Call: 8-1-1* ☎️
If you are looking for non-medical information about COVID-19:
● Call: 1-888-COVID-19* ☎️
● Text: 604-630-0300 📱
● Online: BC CDC 🌐
*Translation available in over 100 languages

Official Information Sources
This is a regularly evolving situation, with changes on a day-by-day and even hour-by-hour basis. Thus, please take note of the following links so that you can stay up to date with the most up-to-date information.
There are regular updates coming from the Ministry of Health and Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, that include advice for the public. Here’s how you can stay up-to-date on the most recent news:
● Official BC Government News Releases: BC Government News Releases
● Daily update briefings with Minister of Health Adrian Dix and Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry are live streamed on the BC Government Facebook Page.

● Official Twitter Accounts can often be the fastest way to get the latest information:
○ BC Centre for Disease Control: @CDCofBC
○ BC Government News: @BCGovNews
○ Vancouver Coastal Health: @VCHhealthcare
○ Minister of Health Adrian Dix: @adriandix
○ Health Canada: @GovCanHealth

Official Health Information on COVID-19
Be cautious of information you read about the virus online. Stick with reputable sites such as:
● Vancouver Coastal Health
● BC Centre for Disease Control
● Health Canada
● World Health Organization

Travel Advisories & Border Control
Travel advisories and border control directives are issued by the Government of Canada. Visit Travel Advisories to see the latest advice on travel.

Emergency and Urgent Care Facility Wait Times
Medical facilities may be under increased burden during these times. Visit ED Wait Times to see the wait times for emergency and urgent facilities in Vancouver, Richmond, and North Shore.

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