Michael Karl Richards lives with his wife and two cats near the rocky beaches of the Pacific Northwest. A working actor since 2001 with a foundation built in large part on his training at the Neighborhood Playhouse in New York. Michael prides himself on being active not just on the small (Chesapeake Shores, Supernatural, etc.) and large (2012, Overboard, etc.) screen, but also on the stage. Most recently he starred in the one-man show Thom Pain by Will Eno and in November 2020 he wrote and starred in the play Parker which was performed live online for audiences all over the world. You can keep up with Michael at michaelkarlrichards.com
- Faculty | Acting
Michael Karl Richards
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Faculty | Acting
Jacob Machin
Jacob’s career started in regional pantomimes before finding a brief but successful calling in stand-up comedy. After winning the 2007 Melb. International Comedy Festival’s ‘Class
Faculty | Acting
Jacob Machin
Jacob’s career started in regional pantomimes before finding a brief but successful calling in stand-up comedy. After winning the 2007 Melb. International Comedy Festival’s ‘Class