How to Apply Makeup for Photos

Stuck on how and what type of makeup to apply for photos? 

This article will show you how to fulfill that lingering thought.


1. Start with the base.

Apply concealer as usual, taking extra care to conceal under-eye bags and discolouring using a yellow based concealer as this helps brighten the eye as well as hide unwanted colors underneath.

For any around-the-nose redness a green pigmented concealer works wonders evening out the skin tones.

2. Add foundation.

You may need your usual base foundation and a “highlighting” foundation on top for certain areas such as cheeks and on eyelids-as a primer.

Foundation should be a bit more noticeable than usual because in photos the flash will usually make you look paler and a bit washed out so more foundation helps conquers these problems.

When using powder only a very light dusting is needed-less than usual just to ‘set’ the foundation and help it stay. So it doesn’t make the foundation paler. Use a translucent powder as this will not change the color of the foundation.

3. When using eye-shadow always do the crease of your eye.

Many people enjoy wearing one color of eye-shadow, but in pictures a single eye-shadow color usually doesn’t show up, especially if you’re using neutral tones.

Make sure to apply a dark color on to the crease of your eye. You can either do the full crease or just the outer crease. This will make your eyes appear rounder and it will accent your other makeup as well.

4. For eyeliner and mascara- use dark.

Preferably black not brown so it actually shows up in the photos. Brown mascara is commonly seen as being less noticeable and more natural so black is best.

5. For eyeliner and mascara- use dark.

Preferably black not brown so it actually shows up in the photos. Brown mascara is commonly seen as being less noticeable and more natural so black is best.

6. The same goes for lips.

If you don’t normally wear any sort of stick or gloss on your lips then it may be an idea to do so. If you don’t want to wear a heavy lipstick then a sheer or color-tinted gloss can work wonders for the photo. It can make lips look fuller, plumper and less dried out and give them a sparkly or shiny tint or add color to plain lips.

7. Finished.


  • It may help to contour on cheeks to add depth and highlight the brow line with a white/nude tone to get rid of any above-the-eye redness or discoloration. Don’t forget to blend any eye-shadows well.
  • When you put on your concealer, an extra trick I learned is that you apply your concealer in an upside down triangle under your eyes so they have more coverage. Just make sure you blend it evenly, or do not smudge it.

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